Dori by Vinati Bhola

When it comes to poetry, we don’t need a lengthy one page essay to describe what we feel. The trauma, tragedy, hurt, love, affection, feelings cumulates itself into a stanza, a couple of verses perhaps a metaphor. A storm of emotions comes to a halt within a sentence. That’s how precise and vague poetry is, it is a paradox every writer lives in. That’s how beautiful poetry can be, living and leaving an emotion all at once.

Poetry will always have the softest yet sharpest piece of my heart. The book we are reviewing today has the ability to make you understand the process of healing and leaving the past wounds alone by walking towards a new life. 

We are reviewing Dori by Vinati Bhola.

Dori means thread in Hindi and its significance here is what the author thinks about life and its way of working. Dori is a collection of poetry explaining us how we all are made from the same thread, and if not then weaved in a way that connects all of us together through, grief, trauma, hurt and love. We are moving together through this life, syncing our breaths and fights and enjoying every sunset through life. 

Something about Vinati and her perspective provides me with a lot of calm and positivity in life. She has a very calm and subtle way of portraying her thoughts which are heavy and deep in nature, so this contrast and the combination of poetry brings a wave of emotion that one is not ready for, yet welcomes it with open arms. 

Her previous book had the same impact on me and I am not surprised with this one because it just as amazing as the previous one but better. 

The book starts with an explanation of how it is divided and what can we expect from each one of them. The book is divided into three parts that are Cleaning, Combing and Spinning, inspired by the process of thread making, bringing it to the origin and the title of the book. Each part has its own significance turning the entire book into a journey of cleansing, eliminating and moving forward.

Vinati has a very simple and subtle way of expressing her perspective and turning it into poetry. People might confuse her writing style with Rupi Kaur but they both have their own elements which make them stand out.

I have a bunch of my favourite works from Dori which made me smile like a loon, stabbed me in the chest and made me think that this is brilliant. Some of them are as follows. 

What will you do

With this

Residual love darling?

Does it belong to?

Someone else

Does it speak

A different language

Does it taste like



Choking you

Every single day


Questions that leave you dry in the mouth




Start with


Start with this tender task to unclip your feathers

Five bullets to bite.

– remember to trust your spine on days your heart trembles

– If it hurts, write. If it is rips you apart write more.

– Do not be afraid to love. Even now despite everything.

– Wash your skin with some moon glade. It cools of the fire you did not start

– love can give you a lifetime and still may not be enough

Sometimes a poem offers itself to you

In half broken steps

Sometimes I do the same.

Some beginnings walk up to you.

Look you straight in the eyes.

Take your quivering hand pull you close pull you in and you just know.

Dori is a thread of poems taking us from one end to the other and reminding us that every ending has a new beginning and we don’t have to be afraid of stepping out of our comfort zone. 

Every poem I have read in this book has given me some kind of inspiration to accept the past and let it go for the more we will scratch the wound the more time it will take to heal. The more i think about the poems, their structure, tones the more it leaves me stunned because Vinati has a soft voice to her words, and this time she has tried to use it by talking about grief and other dark topics which combines so well. It makes me think that all these topics can be discussed in a better way, that there is no need to scream through the chaos, you will be heard even with the softest voice, that what you are speaking about holds value and you don’t have to worry about being misheard. 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars because it deserves the love and appreciation.

A little tip when it comes to reading poetry books let the words seep in. Read them one by one. It will take you hardly an hour to complete a poetry book but if you just brush past each one of them you will never know what it is trying to tell you. Take your time and understand between the lines.

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Until then Happy Reading

~Shifa Khan

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