Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover

To say I did not cry while reading this book is probably a lie I would not like to be held accountable for.

I have read  3 books written by Colleen Hoover, and only one of them took me off guard and made a good place in my heart. I was super dicey when I picked this book from my shelf as it was a gift. But I am grateful for the fact that I was given such an amazing, well-written and beautifully crafted novel. 

We are reviewing Reminders of him by Colleen hoover

When I started reading this book, I just wanted to get over it because my experience with Colleen Hoover was not that great, so I was giving in to all of my doubts and judging the book before even reading it. The moment I completed 3 chapters, it had me hooked. 

The story is about a mother, Kenna who is back in town after completing her sentence in prison. She pleaded guilty before the judge for the accident of Scotty, her then-boyfriend. She was in prison when she realised she was pregnant. As soon as Scotty’s parents ‘Parker and Grace’ found out, they asked for custody and termination of every parental right. 

Kenna named her daughter Diem. She was a premature baby who had an issue with her lungs, so she was shifted to another hospital. Kenna couldn’t even hold her and as prison rules, you have two days with the baby but Kenna got none. 

Kenna has been writing letters to Scotty since she has been alone ever since their terrible accident.

After being released from prison, she comes back to her town hoping she would get to see her daughter. That’s all she is hoping for, that Parker and Grace let her at least see her daughter and forgive her for that one night she holds herself accountable for. She is living in a very dingy old apartment with just a couch for furniture across the town from her daughter. On the first night, she visits a bar which used to be a book store back when she was dating Scotty. That’s where she meets Ledger. Ledger owns the bar and is immediately intrigued by Kenna and her presence. He is bartendering when she enters so out of work and curiosity he handles her orders and clears her tabs. When she leaves he follows her out asking her to come back again and that’s how their story begins.

Ledger was Scotty’s childhood best friend and Kenna had no idea about this because she never saw Ledger; all she knew was his name. So the moment they were about to get intimate, that’s when he tells her his name and the world comes crashing down. Kenna has been in the prison for 5 years, it took her 6 months to save all the money and move back to a town closer to her daughter and the one guy who has finally come this close to her is her late boyfriend’s best friend. 

He doesn’t recognise her immediately but it takes 2 days for her to reach Parker and Grace’s house and he solves the puzzle within seconds.

Ledger is constantly showing empathy towards Kenna, doing favors, and offering a job at his bar so she can collect enough money and leave town since Parker and Grace filed a restraining order against Kenna.  Ledger is torn apart between Parker and Grace’s fear of losing Diem, their pain of losing Scotty and a mother’s love, yearning for her child. If he chooses one that means he is betraying the other. While he is juggling between showing glimpses of Diem to Kenna he is falling in love with her and trying to discover her side of the story.

Reminders of him is a beautiful read, not because it is about a mother and her love for her child, but the story and its character’s constant growth throughout the book. The storyline keeps you hooked, and the constant battle with Ledger keeps you emotionally involved. The maturity of Kenna keeps you grounded throughout the book. You understand love in its genuine form. The characters are constantly developing along with the story which shows how great the writing is. Apart from that, there is a very subtle touch of humour which brings a smile to your face and provides a great combination of emotions

Honestly, I finally found a book, where the characters have a strong moral compass and are trying their best to keep themselves in check and that is such an important characteristic for me when it comes to their personalities.

I loved this book through and through. I have no complaints ( maybe no smut is a great thing to go for )

Absolutely no issues.

I give this book 5 /5 stars 

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And I will see you soon

Until then

Happy reading!

-Shifa khan

2 thoughts on “Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover

  1. This review made me fall in love with the book already. Cant wait to read it🥺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hope you like it 🥹🥹🥹♥️


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