You and me on vacation by Emily Henry

Love, you have probably witnessed some kind of love in your life by now, unless you are some kid below the age of seven reading this; in that case, your parents love you. Now back to the point, love. There has been at least one case scenario in every adult’s life where they have witnessed the falling for your best friend trope, and if you haven’t witnessed it yet, you were in it. even I had my share of this trope and honestly, nothing good came out of it. Hearts were broken, therapy was attained through friends and the same long story, ruined friendship, no more talking, and forgetting that the other one exists

We are going to look into a similar trope where we will find out if the story has a happy ending or is it a complete disaster

We are reviewing, You and Me on Vacation by Emily Henry.

The story starts with Poppy, our female protagonist with her dream job in the city of New York with almost everything of her wish but one thing, her best friend Alex. They somehow lost touch two summers back, and the reason remains unknown to us until the very end. Alex and poppy go way back 11 years to this date. They have been taking small trips every year. Until 2 years ago something happened on the Croatia trip that led to minimum communication between them.

Poppy grew up with a good amount of insecurities and bullying during high school, the kind that makes you want to prove to the world that you are someone and you can do something with your life. Staying in her hometown Linfield was something she was never fond of. Whereas Alex also had a difficult time growing up ever since his mother died at the age of 6 and his father was incapable of taking the loss, Alex grew up almost taking care of his two brothers. Alex was the organised one, keeping up with his schedule, keeping clean and avoiding gross things was one of his ways of living.

Poppy and Alex met at the orientation party of their college and then didn’t hear a word from each other until next year when they traveled together to Linfield for the holidays. Ever since then their friendship took only good turns until 2 summers ago.

This year Poppy decides to refresh their friendship and finally starts texting Alex. amidst their texting she gets invited to Alex’s younger brother David’s wedding and she realizes there is nothing better than a trip that can get everything back to normal. she pitches this idea to Alex and he agrees only she lies to him that her company is sponsoring this trip. A lie can take you as far as its life and this one was short-lived.

Poppy always considered Alex as her home, a safe place, someone where you can be you without any mask or filter, well at least 95% of her thought that way, and the rest of the 5 % was always falling in love with Alex, resisting to kiss Alex, to know what it is like to be loved by Alex, to be the only person for Alex. She kept fighting off this 5 % throughout the years, until this one. All these years they dated different people, they left them and dated again but never once did their 5 % collide at the same time. Poppy was never clear about what she wanted with life, and Alex on the other hand knew exactly what he wanted, marriage, kids, a home and happy stable life.

So what happens, when their love shows its way out, do they take the heat of the moment or separate their ways just like on their last summer trip. The story doesn’t end here, they do get their ending but that is for you to read and figure out.

Honestly, I picked this book out of the blue, and I enjoyed it a good amount. This book I would say is comforting, almost genuine and somewhat real. It helps you be realistic. Some issues are mentioned, like bullying, grief and so many other things in the most subtle ways possible.

Overall it was an amazing read. It is light, funny and romantic in its ways.

If you read the book, let me know how you like it and if you have already read the book let me know what were your experiences and your views in the comments

Here are the details of the Author

And here are my socials. Feel free to connect.

And I will see you at the next one.


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